What now?

There are several goals that I have for my time here in Minnesota. The first goal is to focus on my relationships with God through time in prayer, in the Bible and in everything I do. The second goal is to find others with a similar interest and encourage their pursuit. Besides this I have no real agenda. I cannot change anyone’s heart. I cannot point out anyone’s sin by my own. Jesus told a story of those who think they can see clearly to point out the problems that other people have and offer to help with them. It is quite obvious that those who think they can see and offer a solution to others have a much greater problem than those they criticize.

Furthermore, John 8:1-11 constantly returns to mind as I stand with the Pharisees ready to throw stones at the sinner, but realize that I too am imperfect. At the end of the story, Jesus was the only person who remained with the woman and He is the only one who could speak the following words to her; “go and sin no more.”

For as long as I can remember, I have searched for a solution to the problem of broken churches and sinful people - some method or shortcut to the perfect lifestyle or church.  Every time I thought I had found it, I would be disappointed that following the steps exactly as described failed to work. After giving up hope that such a solution existed, I discovered that the answer is not an idea but a person. That person, Jesus, has completely changed my life and offers to do the same to anyone else who will come to Him in humility and let Him begin to work.

I could not fix my problems and cannot offer to fix them for anyone else. All that I can do is introduce them to the One who can.

Sunday night, I arrived back in Minnesota with plans to attend my church, but discovered there was no service. I then drove to another meeting, but found out the church had moved. Finally, I decided to drive until I found a church parking lot with cars in it. I had to meet with some Christians. Walking into the first church that I found, I eventually came across a gather of college students and enjoyed some time of prayer and bible study. I left encouraged and excited to have made my first connections with the church south of the river.

Monday, I spent several hours talking with a neighbor about my experience and like the night before was encouraged both by his walk with God and by the way our conversations were so encouraging. He warned me as many others have that most people are comfortable with their idea of Christianity and not open to change. To this I responded as I had learned in Colorado that my job is simply to run after God faithfully and let Him worry about working on the people around me. If I get the chance to love them and participate, I get the blessing of being faithful and possibly the joy of seeing fruit.

Tuesday, I connected with several individuals on my job hunt, but wonder how any of them knew that I was a Christian. I found it slightly awkward to announce to one of the ladies I met that the reason I came to Minnesota was to work with a church. She seemed to have no concept of what I was thinking.
Finally, today, I enjoyed spending time with my grandparents, sister and brother-in-law, brother, and an old friend. It is so much fun simply enjoying the life that God has given me realizing I am free from any obligations to Him, but constantly looking for the chance to know Him more fully through everything that I do.

One of the things that I struggle with is the idea of measuring up to expectations of other people. As a broke, recent college grad, it can sometimes be difficult to remember that my valued does not depend on what I do or on how much money is in my bank account. My value is secure and unchanging because of the price that Jesus had to pay to call me into His kingdom. As I follow Him, He will provide for my needs in ways that many people will never get to experience. Even now, looking for a job, I am excited to find out exactly how He intends to fill that need in my life. There are several interesting things that have happened so far in my networking, applying, and searching. I will write more about them later.

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